
We put value on our clothes, our cars, our homes and our lifestyles. But what happens when something comes along to reset our perception on what we thought we valued? We start to REALLY live! Introducing to the world our precious daughter, Amelia V. Rajan.

Time for a Change

After working very hard to bring you the best possible dental experience, the wait is almost over! We have started construction on our new office. Our new space will be modern, spacious and offer all the amenities you would expect to find in a contemporary, patient-centered dental visit. Although the path to get here was not easy, just like Dr. Veronica demonstrates, here is a friendly reminder to be strong enough to break down the walls on anything limiting you from achieving your goals! Join us today.

A New Future

Change can be scary at times, but with proper planning and commitment, it can bring new innovations, perspectives and brighter horizons. We are humbled by the journey that got us to this point and look forward to creating new memories at Matawan Dental Galleria, former office of Dr. Gary Weber. In our transition, we will be working closely with Gary to continue the exceptional care you have come to expect from the practice!